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Monday 6 January 2014

Fashion Leather Jackets for Men


Fashion has been the realm of women for a long, long time. We can trace it all the way back to 400 A.D. Then, the clothing was more for function then for style. The Greek and Romans favoured a loose and flowing style, with clothes draped around their bodies. This style was for men and women both. But after that, till 1400 A.D., Christian influence led to a more conservative fashion of longer sleeves and hemlines. The concept of style and trends was growing now, as beaded and embroidered clothing became the fashion and consequently, was more expensive.Fashion leather jackets for men are an example of just this sort of concept. They are the height of fashion and are thus more expensive than normal clothing..
The men's fashion leather jacket is not a common article. As explained earlier, fashion has been a part of human history since 400A.D. And perhaps, even before that. And unlike the generic concept that fashion is the category of women, our history tells us that both genders have indulged in it since the past ages. Leather is a perfect material to discuss in this context because it is one the earliest material humans used to clothe themselves- dating back to the times of hunters and gatherers when humans adorned animal skins. Fashion leather jackets for men are, consequently, the result of two age-old things- fashion and leather. Mens fashion leather jacket the form we see it in today, is a novel concept. A journey was taken before we see today’s jackets. The renaissance period of 1400-1550 A.D. saw many new styles. Dresses with attached bodices and skirts and no trains entered the fashions. Puffed sleeves, high standing collar necklines, hair adorned with veils and jewels, big skirts with hoops made of wire or wicker, and several other styles entered the picture.
Then, the world saw simple trimmings confined to buttons, buttonholes, and lace; the necklines wide and square; and heightened waistlines; full sleeves draped below the elbow, revealing the wearer's lower arm for the first time in centuries. The fashion leather jackets for men we see today have hems that reach our waists or hips. Any longer and they are termed long/trench coats. The mens fashion leather jacket is available in several styles and designs. A popular one is the hooded one. The Elizabethan period of the seventeenth century endorsed the hood style. There was the French hood on the neck for adornment for instance. Hooded cloaks, in particular, rose in popularity and did so for a long time.
Skiing forward to 1890, the world became more modern. Women cast off the dresses and suits, with hard collars and ties were now made for women (appropriate clothing to work-previously the man’s terf). The 1920s became about comfort, where clothing was straight lined and practical. Fashion leather jackets for men are of this period. It was now, that leather jackets were designed-albeit for military purposes. But their practicality and comfort soon made them very popular amongst the civilians. The mens fitted leather jacket is a consequence of this era. These jackets became a phenomenon, and soon, they became a clothing article that was amongst the elite of all clothing and a must for both genders.

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