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Wednesday 20 August 2014

Leather Bomber Jackets for Men


This world is all about change. Things change, people change, seasons change; everything changes. Every year, we see the earth go from green to rich shades of gold and fire, and then from those auburn and burgundy colors to frizzy, shivery and trembling tones of grey and white. We see people change as they grow older- the childish chubby faces thin down and the features sharpen to a beautiful maturity, which then changes to a soft and graceful wrinkled face. We change not just physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. Our tastes change and so does our style. But there are some things that do not change- some articles of clothing that are eternal.
In the early 1900s, the First World War wrought many changes to this world. We lost many people and lives were worsened. But like everything else, some beauty was also born during those hard times. The leather bomber jackets for men are an iconic article produced during those times. Originally, this clothing article was borne out of need. The airplanes then had open cockpits and the aviators consequently borefrigid and extremely cold winds when flying those planes at high altitudes. Thus, their outerwear was changed. The first thing done was that leather was used. This material has been used since the very beginning when hunters and gatherers used animal hides to cover their bodies. These hides, in their processed forms, have a longevity and durability other materials do not have. They were the perfect material for army pilots. This material and the jackets made from them had great physical integrity and were able to endure rough handling and lasted longer. They also provided greater warmth and protection against the cold winds.
Apart from that, the design was absolutely gorgeous. This outerwear was not simply functional. It was also incredibly beautiful. It had a very unique image and had its own distinct look. The roomy shape, the ribbed cuffs and hem, the elasticized waist, all of these features were inimitable and characteristic of this outerwear. These leather bomber jackets for men are not merely an outerwear. They are much, much more. When the pilots got these outerwear pieces, they created a new trend. These guys went on numerous adventures. And these adventures were then translated onto the jackets. Aviators would sow different patches from the myriad of places they went to onto their outerwear pieces. They became a canvas on which the soldiers painted their stories. This created a very unique trend that later on progressed to civilian fashions as well. Even when this outerwear was being worn by civilians, that look of stitch marks left from tearing out the parches and sowing new ones, the haphazard lines of stitches, different patches, this look was turned into a specific design. It was especially created for civilians as well. This outerwear is a legacy and is naturally loved by all. It is doubly special because apart from its history, it also has a practical and stylistic quality to it.
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